Saturday, July 27, 2013

Playing dress up

I've not always been a girly girl. Never a tomboy per say, but not super girly. I never wore makeup and had NO CLUE when it came to styling myself. I was a jeans and t-shirt, hair in a pony tail kind of girl and happy with that. :)
When my company launched our Grace Adele line, I was excited but so intimidated because I didn't know how I was going to be able to sell style when I had none!
Thank goodness that I am exactly who this line is geared towards. A whole system that makes styling simple. Everything matches everything. No fear of looking like a hot mess. It's made it so much easier for me to feel and look put together. Not only is that great for my role in my business because I can present a more professional appearance, but it is also pleasing for my husband who prefers the put together look over yoga pants and tank tops. :) It actually was something we discussed when we reestablished our roles in our marriage this Spring. I didn't realize it was something important to him, but it worded it so well that I couldn't take offense, but saw clearly his point. I always want to make him proud of me and eager to show me off as his wife and to do that, I have to feel and look it and when I look it, I feel it. I also now make sure I look my best for him when he comes home from work each day (if I can). He doesn't ask me to do this, I desire to do it for him.

Now I'm still not a big makeup wearer or fancy schmancy dresser. A typical day means pressed powder, mascara and lip gloss (which suits the hubby just fine especially when it's my Rio Beach gloss ;) and since I'm running around with my littles, it may still be jeans and good  t-shirt, but I've traded flip flops for cute sandals and I always throw on a pair of earrings. It's amazing how a great pair of earrings can dress you up and give you that 'put together' look in an instant.

These are my favorite pair right now. They are called Marguerite. I wear them almost everyday. They go from grocery store to church to dinner to home party and work with everything I own.

Do you consider yourself girly? What one accessory or item makes you feel 'put together'?

Coming next week: 
I'll be having a guest blogger come and share his side of our story. I'm kind of in love with him. ;)
Stay tuned!

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