Tuesday, August 13, 2013

ATTENTION: No worrying necessary

Ever have one of those weeks where everything seems all sunshine and unicorns and then one small thing throws it all of course?
Well, that's what last week was for me.

Now let me preface this post by saying that by nature, I'm a worrier. I like to know exactly what's going on at all times and anything 'unplanned' or spontaneous makes me anxious. My sweet husband is the 'roll with the punches' kind of guy while I'm like "punches? What punches? AHHHHH!!! PUNCHES!!!" :)
I feel like it's important for you to know this so you know why I react to things the way I do. I like structure and predictability because that's what gives me peace.

And now all that unravels.... :)

I was headed out on Thursday to run some errands and grabbed my mail. There, inside the mailbox, was the piece of paper that through my day into a tailspin. A notice from our mortgage company telling us that our monthly payment would be increasing by $300! GASP! 
In a moment, I flew into panic. I started making phone calls while trying to hold back the tears choking in my throat. "Why is this happening?" "How will we afford this" "What will we do?" were only a few thoughts that went racing through my head. This was piled on top of some other situations that just simply caused my heart to go into panic mode.
In between calls, as I waited for answers, the tears came. As we drove on to our errands, my little girls were asking why I was upset. I gently replied that it wasn't for them to worry about. That there are things that happen and they're for mommy and daddy to worry about and not them. That is when my oldest daughter, Kate, very quickly replied, "No, it's not for you to worry about. It's for God to take care of."

Wow...right? I mean, she's 8 and half. Where does this kind of knowledge come from? I truly believe that God was using her to catch my attention in that moment and man, did He ever.

She was right. He is right.

I battled with emotions, frustrations, and calls all day long and into the evening and Kate's comment just kept coming back to me. As I laid in bed that night, I prayed about the situation. I told God that He asks us to lay every worry, care and concern at His feet and that's what I was doing. After all, this is one of those situations that only He was going to be able to fix. I asked for His intervention and His peace. 

When I woke the next day, I prayed the exact same thing again. Not only that, but I made the decision that I would not be letting this situation be the master of my day. I decided that any time the problem came in my head that day, that I would quickly shut it down and give God praise for something I was thankful for. Not only did that bring the peace I needed throughout the day, but it kept my heart distracted from worry.

And praise be to Him because by 4pm that day, we had our resolution! In a BIG way! Isn't God amazing???
He is the master of making opportunity from our circumstances.

So this is what I want to share with you. The first being is that we have no need to fear. We have no need to be concerned. God is the peacemaker. He is our Father is knows the needs each and every one of us have. Especially for those like me that need to feel like they're in control, letting go and letting God can be a huge challenge, but I can guarantee that His outcome will always be better than anything we can strum up.
The second is that when your heart is troubled, whether it be over finances, an illness, a situation with another person, that one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is praise. To choose in those quiet moments, when the scary things creep in, to stop and give God praise. Thank him for resolution in those situations or simply give Him praise for something else, but praise Him! He dwells in the praises of His people. 

I want to encourage you, as much as I need to remind myself, that God is in the details. He so desires us to lay our burdens at His feet. To give every tiny fear or unrest to Him. It's in faith that we do this, but in His love for us that He replies. When we feel like our world is out of control, that He is the master of it.

Sweet friends, I want to encourage you today to remember that your life isn't for you to worry about, but for God to take care of. 


From the Word:

Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far better than our human minds. Philippians 4:6-7

Don’t worry—I am with you.
    Don’t be afraid—I am your God.
I will make you strong and help you. Isaiah 41:10

People might make many plans, but what the Lord says is what will happen.
Proverbs 19:21

I say this because I know the plans that I have for you.” This message is from the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future. Jeremiah 29:11

Remember, I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Monday, August 5, 2013

Consistency Is Key

It's been something I've been chewing on for the last week or so. How important consistency is.
I truly believe that it is the key to all we do. To all our successes.

In my leadership role with my Scentsy business, I must be consistent. I have to continually lead, encourage and support. Not here and there. Not just when I feel like it, but consistently. Consistent leadership in any company will create loyalty and loyalty creates production. They want to work for you because you can be counted upon...always.

In my role as a friend, I must be consistent. I can't be the friend that's only there when it's good. I have to be there when it's bad. I have to be there to take late night phone calls and hard conversations. I have to always speak truth even when it's not what they want to hear. I have to be there to celebrate their lives and not become jealous. Consistent friendship creates trust and trust builds bonds that become hard to break. These are the friendships that will give you the greatest of worth.

In my role as a mother, I must be consistent. I can't say something I don't have intentions of following through on. Even greater than that, if I do say something, I need to remember it later. :) There is a quote that says " I may not always know what my child will do, but my child should ALWAYS know what I will do." I must not only be consistent in discipline and training up, but I also must be consistent in hugs, kisses, tickles and play time. I must consistently show them what a Christian mother looks like and what it means to to love the Lord. I can't ask them for self control if I can't hold on to my own. Consistent parenting creates security and is there nothing more a child craves (whether they know it or not) than security?

In my role as a wife, I must be consistent. I must always show my husband respect, even when it's hard. I must consistently forgive him for the silly things that frustrate me just as I hope he'll forgive me. I must consistently support, love and encourage him. We make these vows when we get married and then somehow quickly forget them when times get tough. I must consistently thank him for his hard work in our family. To the men, your wife needs consistency from you more than you know. It provides her her with all the things I've already mentioned. Loyalty, worth, security- the sames things you'll receive from her as she strives to be consistent for you. A consistent marriage will create a healthy marriage. Both partners will know exactly what to expect from the other and both will feel more fulfilled. This will lead to a happier, healthier home.

In my spiritual life, I must be consistent. I have to continually seek God's place in my life. I must read His word, apply it to each of these areas and strive to always build a stronger relationship with Him. Just as with friendships and marriage, I can't always go running to or even away from God when things are hard. It's the consistency of putting His will above my own each and every day.  It's not questioning his judgement, but looking for His lessons. For praising Him for His blessings and preparing praise reports when I'm uncertain.
I do believe leading a consistent spiritual life can be tougher sometimes than all of the above, but it's absolutely the most crucial. You see, when we are where we should be with our Creator, we are much more able to let Him lead us in the rest. A consistent spiritual life brings peace and there is nothing my heart needs more.

As in everything, consistency isn't always easy, but it is essential! Nothing can be achieved without it. It's about doing the little things each day that will continue to make us greater. I challenge you to seek for consistency and not complacency in your life as I do the same.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Target practice

We live in the South. The place where Jesus, family values, good manners and guns are a part of the culture.
Next week I'll be taking a class to get my concealed carry permit. I don't plan on carrying a gun on me any time soon (maybe a taser?), but I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and take the class. I need to know what I'm doing if I come across a situation where I need to use one to protect my family.
My husband hunts and in an effort to spend time with him, I've gone each season over the last few years. For safety in that environment and for personal protection, experience in handling, loading/unloading and a proper shot is super important. I'm terrified of guns, don't get me wrong. I have a very high respect for them, but if the occasion arose and I didn't have this knowledge, I don't know that I could live with myself. At least like this, I can set that crazy part of my mind at ease.
Anyway, yesterday, in prep, my husband took me down to his father's farm so I could target practice. It was my first time with a 9mm gun. Not bad, eh?

They'd at least bleed. :) Hubby was super proud of me which is all I really needed anyway. 

More importantly, I've been talking to other women who do conceal carry and ask them how they carry those pieces. I mean, a man can use their pockets or a holster on their hip, but as women, our options are fewer. (unless you want to go all on the thigh or in the bra) ;)
Many have said they just keep them in their cars or in their purses, but wish they had something that not only made their gun more accessible, but was actually cute!

So when my company came out with a new style bag for our Fall/Winter launch that met these needs, I was super excited. Not only is it a STUNNING bag, but it has the perfect pocket on the front from left or right. It doesn't have that 'I have a gun inside of me' or tactical look. It's just a gorgeous bag that happens to have a pocket that would fit a full size frame.

So now I have to decide whether I'll continue to carry my sweet Heather in Ocean blue bag that I'm crazy over...

Or grab the new Giselle bag and start packing (when I'm good and ready) is sassy style...

Which would you carry? 
More importantly, I wonder if Ree Drummond over at
  Pioneer Woman would carry one?