I hadn't planned on writing today, but while I was doing some leadership research this morning for my business, I came across a quote that I had to share with you. It wasn't what I'd set out to look for and honestly, can't quite figure out how it came into my search, but that only leads me to believe that I was supposed to read this today.
As a stay at home mommy who is trying to balance her home and her business, I easily get caught up in the 'to dos' of the day. Some days, those to do's get done and some days they don't. Some days I feel successful in the roles I play and some days I don't.
In this quote, Jim Valvano is so right. At the end of the day, if we have laughed, used our minds and cried, we have had a successful day!
Yes, maybe that means the laundry didn't get folded.. Maybe it means the dishes are still in the sink from lunch. Maybe you have 100 emails you need to reply to. But maybe it means you did more listening, more dancing, more tickling, more sharing, more encouraging, more laughing, more thinking, more crying.
So while I'm working diligently on creating lists in the morning of the things I need to accomplish that day and will work to get them done, I need to be reminded that I'm in the process of growing children, loving my husband, following my Savior and leading my team. If by the end of the day, my entire to do list is checked off, fantastic! But if it's not and I've accomplished those 3 things Jim shared, I do believe I can lay my head down knowing that I've had one heck of a day!
- Amanda
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